Think Local, Act Global

Think local. Act global. Learn more about the Peace Corps

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Too fast... The last month has just flown by too fast. I cannot believe that I will board a plane tomorrow morning for Philadelphia to become a member of the U.S. Peace Corps. There are so many people I want to thank right now, but I simply don't have the time (this dilemma has become an all too common occurrence over the past month). I would like to, however, make an exception to that short-lived rule by extending my deep appreciation to my parents for all the help they have given me. I know they may not always agree with my decisions, but I hope they know that it's so important to personally know that I will always have my back no matter what.

When I board that plane tomorrow morning at 8am, I will be leaving behind a place that I've called home for almost 22 years (and all the comforts that come with it...). It'll be hard, no doubt. However, I know that this is the most committed I've been to anything in my life. That commitment and resolve with aid me when the 'lows' inevitably present themselves.

Thank you to everyone who encouraged me thus far to pursue my dreams and do this. I'm going to have to cut this short because I need my sleep, but I'll try and update - if possible - from Swaziland during training somewhat periodically during the next 9 weeks.



  1. We Love you Josh and will always have your back. Home is always here for you. Your decisions are always well thought out. DO I want to see you go half way around the world from me, NO but its a thing all parents must learn to deal with. We want you to succeed in all your endeavors and be happy doing them. We are so much more than proud of you and I know you will over achieve as usual there. Just be and stay safe. I love both you and Lindsey more that you can imagine and I am all ready counting down the days until you return

    Love you

  2. Awh Josh!

    I'm sorry I couldn't make it to your going away party, but I want you to know I am VERY proud of you for taking this big step in life. Such a role model! Also, thank you for making this blog to share your experiences with us. Upload photos if you can!!

    I wish you the BEST of luck! Being in Africa is such an amazing experience. I hope and pray you enjoy every moment of it like I did.


    Jackie (Wife)

  3. The journey you are embarking on is a testament of the incredible drive you have demonstrated throughout your young life. Your parents are very anxious as you serve the Peace Corps in such a far away place. Your roots are very strong. Your dad and your mom have laid such a great foundation, raising you from a toddler to the man you have become today. Josh, take very good care of yourself, keep the family in the loop as much as possible. We anxiously await your return, but in the meantime, serve with passion, serve with pride.

    Aloha nui loa,

    Unko Don, Auntie Abbie, Nicole, Ryan and Kai'imi
